Saturday, June 21, 2008

Care & Exercises for the Eye

Care & Exercises for the Eye

Vitamins A, B and C is very essential for the good care of the eyes. Carrot, celery, parsley, spinach etc contain a large amount of vitamin A. 8 to 10 hours of sleep is a must for bright eyes.

For eye care : Splash the eyes with cold water. Apply cotton wool pads, soaked in warm milk, witch hazel, weak tea solution or rose water on the eyes. Press gently and leave for 10 to 15 minutes.

To avoid eye strain :

Do not work in dim light
Do not read continuously in buses and trains.
Do not stare too tong at anything without blinking the eyes. Blinking provides lubrications and relief from light.
Do not rub the eyes too hard.
To give momentary relief to the eyes, close the eyes with the palms so that no light can enter. Now open the eyes in the palm cup and stare into this darkness for a minute.
Exercises for eyes :

Lift the eyes to the ceiling and then to the floor. Repeat it for 10 times. Rest the eyes either by blinking rapidly or covering them with palms.
Look straight ahead at eye level, then slowly to left side at eye level and then to right side at eye level. Repeat it for 3 or 4 times.
Make a circle, first clockwise and then anti-clockwise, with the eyes. Repeat for 5 times.
Care for Eyebrows and Eyelashes :

Eyebrows and Eyelashes should be brushed daily with a small brush.
Rub eyebrows and eyelashes with olive oil or coconut oil or almond oil to encourage hair growth.
For cleansing and nourishment of eyebrows, rub them with a little egg white and rinse it off after 10 minutes.
For eye makeup choose the correct colours and shades to complement your personality. The choice of the eyeliner and mascara should be compatible with the natural eyelash colour. A right touch and right colour is needed for beautiful, attractive eyes.

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