Sunday, August 31, 2008

Past Life Therapy

Past Life Therapy Reincarnation

The concept of reincarnation suggests the possibility of embodiment and re-embodiment of the eternal spirit, the continuation of the soul consciousness, from one physical lifetime to the next physical lifetime in a human body. This ancient doctrine holds that spirit separates from Source, God, Goddess, All That Is as a spark of individual consciousness. In the spiritual journey through eternity the restless spark, or soul, may choose to experience existence in a physical form, the human body. Once the carnal pleasures have been savored, the soul consciousness is "caught," and repeatedly drawn back into the physical existence by these appetites.
During the course of a human lifetime, the essence of human interaction is often misperceived and misinterpreted then compared with past memories. The conscious mind, or ego, develops false assumptions, draws baseless conclusions, makes faulty judgements and survival-based decisions, all of which are inappropriate to the current situation. These errors of mind (the mental residue) pervert the interactions with other people and lead to emotional residues of anger and resentment, fear, sadness and loss, guilt and remorse, distortions of love and the pain of unrequited or lost love.
Physical residue is accumulated as the result of any injury to the body, including surgery. Subsequent lives may show evidence of past physical trauma in the form of illness, accident, physical tendencies such as obesity, even birthmarks at the site of a mortal wound.
These mental, emotional and physical residues are carried from lifetime to lifetime, distorting current experience much like a filter over a camera lens influences a photograph.
In the spirit space between lives, sometimes called the Light, there is a Planning Stage where conditions are designed for the coming physical lifetime. Prior to embodiment, the beings involved in past interactions work together to develop situations which will allow for the resolution of their residues and the evolvement of inner peace and harmony.
Once a being becomes enmeshed in the lifetime, the greater spiritual reality is forgotten. The planned situations arise, and free will allows choices at the time. Some choices lead to resolution and growth. Other choices lead to fear, perpetuation of the conflict, and persistence and aggravation of the residues. There is no judgement of right or wrong involved in these choices. The outcomes affects only those who make the choices.
The deep subconscious mind retains the memories of every thought, emotional feeling, motive, desire, behavior, and full sensory recall of every physical experience from every embodiment, and from the non-physical experience since the first separation from the Source. The total memory seems to be related to the so-called Akashic Record, the total register of everything which has ever occurred. There is some evidence that the Akashic Record also contains everything which will ever occur.
From a spiritual place of perfect honesty and integrity, each being strives to balance every jot and tittle of past indiscretions, transgressions, injustices, and disharmonies of every sort. In addition to balancing the ledger of the ego, each being seeks to learn and grow in the higher or transpersonal qualities of human beingness such as honesty, patience, altruism, honor, loyalty, integrity and all aspects of love. This is the process of seeking perfection, of manifesting totally the perfect seed of the Source which lies at the center of each being.
All the restless, wandering, unhealed souls will finally reach the peace of God, and none will be left behind.
Past Life Regression Therapy

Many people reject the idea of looking into a past lifetime for problems as they claim to have enough troubles in the present life. This sounds reasonable; however, in clinical practice, clients discover that present life conflicts and problems often stem from traumatic events in prior lifetimes.

Past life memories may come to us in many guises: the déjà vu experience; recurrent dreams, either of a specific location, or of a frightening event; a crippling phobia or unexplained, groundless fear. People who fear water, public speaking, or heights (to name just a few common phobias) often uncover the memory of a death by drowning, hanging or burning at the stake before a crowd, or falling from a high place.

As these past life traumas are explored and resolved in therapy, the phobias cease to exist for the clients. The process of past life therapy is being used effectively by mental health professionals in many countries. Through the emotional feelings and body sensations associated with an identified present life problem, the client is prompted to locate the source or cause of the problem.

This leads to the discovery of a pain-filled memory in a past life. The client, in the personality of the past-life character, is guided through the traumatic episode in the lifetime, and finally through the death experience. The therapist assists the client in resolving any remaining emotional issues, any unfinished business in that life, and to integrate the experience into the present life situation.

The past life character, as a spirit, moves away from the body and the death scene and fully into the Light. The narrative is similar to descriptions of the near death experience (NDE). Many emotional problems and conflicts are quickly and effectively resolved through past life regression therapy, usually in far fewer sessions than with conventional therapy.

Many physical ailments are considered to be psychosomatic, and these conditions may begin to diminish or cease altogether through past life regression therapy.
The Meaning of Past Life Recall

There are at least four levels of meaning of the past life regression experience.

1. At the most superficial level it is fun and interesting to explore one's past, to see oneself as the various characters in earlier dramas. It is simply an excursion through time.
2. The second level is the therapeutic experience. Many emotional problems and conflicts are quickly and effectively resolved through past life regression therapy, usually in far fewer sessions than with conventional therapy. Many physical ailments are considered to be psychosomatic, and these conditions may begin to diminish or cease altogether with past life regression therapy.
3. The third level is an educational journey into the spiritual reality, the so-called "inner planes" of consciousness. The subject can experience the greater reality of spirit, past, present, and in some cases future. There is a deeper realization of purpose in life, or lives, a clearer sense of the meaning of relationships and the transpersonal aspects of existence.
4. The fourth level of the altered state regression experience is the ineffable feeling of Oneness, of being connected to all and everything in the Universe, being part of God, Goddess, All That Is, the Source.

Past lives therapy has proven to be a rapid and effective method of healing present life issues. It is a profound experience for the therapist as well as the client. It is truly a spiritual psychotherapy.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


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Memory Functions*

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-Video: 40 hours**
-Music: 12,000 tracks***
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* Changes to product details are possible without prior notice. Application offering may vary. Dynamic memory means that the available memory is shared between dynamic memory functions. When any of these functions is used, there is less available memory for other functions which are also dependent on dynamic memory.

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Power Management

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Live TV

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-DVB-H Class C, 470-750 MHz

Browser-based video access

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ways to Stop Global Warming

Global Warming

Global warming refers to the increase in average temperature of the earth, particularly at the lower atmosphere due to the abundant increase of greenhouse gases. This is primarily due to the human’s intervention and the life style they have adapted in the recent years.

Greenhouse gases in its natural content in the atmosphere are required, for it acts as a greenhouse around the earth. It allows the sun’s rays to pass through the atmosphere but doesn’t let it to escape and creates a surrounding suitable for life. Life cannot exist without green house gases like carbon dioxide, water vapour, methane etc but they should be existing in permissible quantities only. The problem of global warming arises when people started contributing abundant amount of green house gases which traps more heat in the atmosphere thus increasing the temperature.

Ways to Stop Global Warming

Owing to the overall rise in the temperature, the glaciers in the Antarctic region begin to melt which has increased the overall sea level. If this situation continues, many low lying areas will submerge in the near future. Global warming also increases the occurrences of hurricanes.

There are many easy solutions to reduce global warming and its impact. First of all, people should understand the problem and take measures accordingly to save the world.

* People should reduce the usage of electrical appliances which emits green house gases. For e.g. the refrigerator releases chloro fluro carbon (CFC) and the incandescent light lamp emits 300 pounds of carbon dioxide a year. This can be replaced by a compact fluorescent light bulb which saves much energy.

* Follow RRR-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. People should not dump waste products in the ground. Plant products, food waste, vegetable dump undergoes anaerobic decomposition i.e. they break down to produce methane, a green house gas instead of oxygen. Hence the product usage and wastage should be reduced or recycled for a healthy atmosphere.

* Trees absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide. Many trees should be planted since they involve in photosynthesis, food preparation with the help of sunlight. During this process, trees absorb carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. Also, existing forests should be saved and usage of plant byproducts shouldn’t be wasted.

* Usage of green power prevents 300 kg of carbon dioxide to be emitted into the atmosphere. The electricity obtained from the renewable resources like wind and water is called green power. The cost is also low in case of green power.

* Insulation of the ceiling of a house and power saving is the important factor to reduce global warming. The electric appliances should be switched off instead to hold it in stand by mode. This will save more power since stand by mode consumes 40% of the energy.

* People should use only energy efficient appliances. Thermostat should be used for air conditioners since it reduces the temperature automatically.

* Consumption of organic food should be increased because organic soil absorb large amount of carbon dioxide. Buying local food reduces the consumption of fuel. Cows emits large amount of methane due to their vegetarian diet. Hence meat consumption should be reduced. Also tetra packs should be used instead of tinned food.

* Periodic maintenance of the vehicles helps in efficient usage of fuel and reduces release of green house gases. Proper inflation of tyres should be done and fuel wastage should be avoided.

* Teach your neighborhood and friends about the cause and impacts of global warming and methods to reduce it. Conservation of forests also forms a factor to reduce global warming.

Water for Fuel Conversion

Water for Fuel Conversion
The fact is, the water for fuel conversion technology is indeed a reality. Using water to supplement gasoline is possible, and will help to improve the consumption of the latter.
More and more people are becoming curious about water for fuel conversion. It really is possible to use water to make fuel. You may not see this in the media much but the possibilities are there none the less. Most people are starting to hear about the hybrid cars which run on water and gas. They don't have to go the pricey way and buy a brand-new hybrid car.

You can take your own vehicle and purchase the kit to change your car into making fuel from water. This is very low cost alternative than running your vehicle on regular gas alone. The amount of money that you do have to invest in such a kit is really not as much as you think it would be. Most of these kits start at just under $200 and can be installed by you alone.

There is no need to take the kit to a mechanic and have him install it because you'd be spending extra money that you don't have to. They're relatively easy to install and you can do it right at your own home. This is a much safer alternative than running on fossil fuel because you will not have your car spreading around harmful emissions. By simply installing a few safety devices and using the standards for cars today, you'll be well on your way to having your kit installed and saving money at the pumps.

What you would need to do this purchase the kit to get started. What you'll be doing is making a mini system that will run easily from the battery that you have as well as your electrical system. It plugs directly into your carburetor. You'll need just basic tools in having your garage and you'll need to install plastic water tank as well as a reaction chamber, a control circuit, a high-pressure carb/FI fitting then you will need three gauges as well. This will then hook directly into your carb/FI.

What makes this water for fuel conversion so simple is that it is an on-demand system which doesn't require any fancy storage compartments or any fancy plumbing. When you push the gas pedal or throttle you will instantly make a vapor, electrically, that will be used for immediate consumption. Just think you'll have low high flow rate as needed and you can go from idle to maximum power in no time at all. The only real difference is that you're using regular water instead of the usual petroleum-based fuel.

As the word gets out about using this type of water for fuel conversion kit to change your car to make it more efficient, more and more people will be getting their kits and installing them on their own vehicles. It would be nice if we can have all cars converted to running by this method as it would definitely decrease or mount a dependency on the gasoline we are now paying so high for.

Find out more about water fuel conversion as it will benefit you in the long run.

Run Your Car on Water: Next Generation Fuel!

Run Your Car on Water: Next Generation Fuel!
The 21st century has seen a tremendous development in the technology. Continuous improving in the technological industry makes our life much easier. Almost every day we have been introduced to a new or improved technology. Sometimes these inventions are beyond our expectation. Running a car on water is one of those discoveries which indicate a huge upcoming change in the world.

Car is the most common and popular transportation media around the world. But most car users are worried about the maintaining cost of the car. The first thing comes to their mind is the fuel cost. The rising fuel cost increases the tension among the users especially the middle class people. Within last one year fuel cost increases from $100 to $150 a barrel. The increasing demand of fuel around the world can only make the situation worse. Many people believed invention of water as an alternative solution for diesel and gas is considered one of the greatest discoveries in the last century.

Most people have no idea how hydrogen powered cars works. The media is not promoting this new opportunity as much as they should. So consumers have little idea about this technology. Many people and organizations made different types of research on hydrogen powered cars and try to know the benefits. The experts agree that Water Powered Car does not make any damage to the engines. Rather it improves the performance of the engines and increases the mileage. Beside these where other fuels are mostly responsible for global warming, Water Powered Car do something good for the environment.

Technologies continuously make the things possible which was considered just a dream previously. Some people might still have doubt about a hydrogen powered cars. But may be in the near future we might see water as an alternative fuel.

There are variety of ways to save gas, such as by running your car on water or getting coupons. Run your car on water and save environment as well as money.

Run Your Car on Water: Just a Dream or Reality!

Run Your Car on Water: Just a Dream or Reality!
When somebody first learned about run a car on water he might think it’s a big joke. Many people still have disbelieved on this invention. Although the idea was first generated in the early of the 19th century, still the concept is a dream for many people. But may be in the near future the dream will come true.

Today the researchers are much more certain about the possibility of run a car on water. They are explaining the benefits of using this technology. Obviously the most significant advantage is saving the fuel cost. Which is a major concern for many people as the fuel cost is rising very rapidly all around the world. The researchers believe this process can save up to 40-50% fuel cost. Some people have doubt about the mileage they have by using water as fuel. Is it less than diesel? The answer is no. In fact they will have more mileage than diesel.

Some other factors might influence people to use water as fuel. Such as environmental concern. This is an alarming topic these days. Especially after so many natural disaster in the last decade which create a huge destruction around the world. This technology can be highly beneficial for environment because it does not create any air pollution. As we all know cars are enormously responsible for the air pollution. This technology can be a blessing for the environment.

Run your car on water is no longer a dream. Hydrogen powered cars are ready to serve people and make their life easier in this high price oil market. People might not need to adjust their budget on fuel. May be in the near future, instead of diesel we will see many water stations!

There are variety of ways to save gas, such as by running your car on water or getting coupons. Run your car on water and save environment as well as money.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Make a Hydrogen Generator and Convert Your Cars into Water Power Cars

Make a Hydrogen Generator and Convert Your Cars into Water Power Cars
Do you want to know how you can beat the high gas prices and get more MPG for your car? Well its simple really, if you make a Hydrogen Generator you can convert all your cars into water power cars. These cars use water as a supplement by turning it into HHO gas (or Browns Gas) which is mixed with your regular gasoline to give you huge gas mileage improvements.

Interested? Well before I tell you where to find the best guides and instructions to make a Hydrogen Generator let me give you a simple run down on the whole Homemade Hydrogen Generator principle. I’m no scientist so I will explain it in simple easy to understand layman’s terms.

Firstly Why should. you make a Hydrogen Generator for your car in the first place?
In a normal engine the fuel combustion is very poor and wasteful; this is mainly due to the large size of fuel droplets in the fuel air mixture. When HHO gas is added the oversized droplets are split into much smaller ones making a much finer mixture. This Hydrogen enhanced fuel mixture burns a lot more efficiently as it is said to be 3 times more powerful than ordinary gasoline. So a more efficient fuel allows you to get more MPG.

Secondly. How does a Homemade Hydrogen Generator work?
Basically a Homemade Hydrogen Generator consists of a small vessel of water installed under the hood of your car, this vessel also contains some steel plates, and added to this is a catalyst such as baking soda. These parts together with a few others are then wired up to your cars battery which provides the electricity needed to power the whole thing.

What happens when this is all installed properly is a process called electrolysis, where electricity is used to change a small amount of water into HHO gas. As water is made up of Hydrogen and Oxygen the Hydrogen atoms get separated from the Oxygen atoms, basically converting the water into Hydrogen gas.

This Hydrogen gas is then taken into the inlet manifold of your cars engine where it is mixed with the ordinary gasoline/air mixture. This combination of ordinary gas and Hydrogen gas is then burned in your engine in the usual way, but as I said before, it burns a lot more efficiently and with more power and this is what gives you the great gas mileage improvements.

Lastly. How expensive is it to make a Hydrogen Generator?
What if I told you that you could make a Homemade Hydrogen Generator for less than $150, and this includes the full instruction guides as well as all the parts that you will need. And these are not specialist parts that are hard to find or have to be ordered, everything you will need to make a Hydrogen Generator can be obtained from your local garage or Auto Store.

There are many downloadable guides available on the internet that will show you how to make a Hydrogen Generator for your car and I have reviewed what I think are the top ones. To check them out for yourself just visit my website by clinking onto the link. So just what are you waiting for? It has never been easier to make a Hydrogen Generator and convert your cars into water power cars. Not only will you get great gas mileage improvements, you will also have the satisfaction of knowing that you did it yourself. And as no previous mechanical knowledge is needed anyone can do it.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

shriya hot pics

Shriya is the most happening actresses in Tamil and Telugu. She has acted with almost all the top most heroes in south India. To top it all she is the heroine of Rajanikanth in ‘Shivaji’, the biggest movie made in India.
Shriya Saran was born in Dehradun to Neeraja and. She was brought up in Ranipur, few miles from Haridwar. Her father Pushpendra Saran works at Bharat Heavy Metal Works and her mother is a schoolteacher, teaching chemistry. Shriya is their second child and her elder brother Abhiroop, recently got married and is living in Delhi. She completed her schooling from Delhi Public School. She did her college in Lady Sri Ram College and has got a B.A. degree to her credit. She has been training Kathak and classical dance from her young age and is an accomplished Kathak dancer. She trained dancing under the guidance of Shobha Narayan.

Shriya started her career as a model and which led to lot of advertisements and music albums. Shriya is the brand ambassador for large brands like Brookbond and Red Label Tea. She started her acting career with the Telugu film ‘Ishtam’ (2001). Thought the film didn’t fare well in the box-office, Telugu producers and directors noticed her potential. She got a big offer to act with Nagarjuna in the film ‘Santosham’ (2002), which turned out a major hit. The films that followed ‘Nuvve Nuvve’ and ‘Bhageeratha’ were also big hits. Next she did one of the biggest hits in her career ‘Chatrapati’ opposite Prabhas.
‘Enakku 20 Unakku 18’ (2003) marked her debut in Tamil. She was cast along with Telugu actor Tarun, Trisha Krishnan. Trisha, another top south Indian actress is a good friend of Shriya. The film was an average hit at box-office. Instead of accepting the numerous glamorous roles that came her way from Tamil, she went back to Tollywood where she acted with the top most stars such as Chiranjeevi, Nagarjuna, Mahesh Babu, etc.

In between she did couple of Hindi films ‘Thoda Tum Badlo Thoda Hum’ opposite Arya Babbar and the supernatural thriller ‘Shukriya’ with Aaftab Shivdasani. Both did do well.

She has made her comeback in Kollywood through the film ‘Mazhai’ opposite Jayam Ravi. The movie, which was a remake of a Telugu film with the same title, did well at the box-office. Her biggest achievement is when she bagged the much-coveted role opposite Rajinikanth in ‘Sivaji: The Boss’ directed by Shankar. Her new Hindi film ‘Awaarapan’ with Emraan Hashmi directed by Mohit Suri is in the post-production stage. She will also be doing a Hindi film with director Sangeet Sivan starring Bobby Deol, produced by K.Sera.

She is now acting opposite Tamil superstars Vijay in ‘Azhagiya Tamil Magan’ and Vikram in ‘Kandasaamy’. No other actress has such prestigious films lined up as Shriya has. She is one actress you can really bet is going to go places!

Shriya News

Shriya outstanding in ‘Sivaji’! - Shriya got absolutely mind-blowing reviews for her performance in the film ‘Sivaji’. She has never looked so beautiful ever. . Read more

Shriya wants to dance with Hrithik Roshan! - Being heroine in Rajnikant’s film was one of Shriya’s biggest dreams; now that she has achieved that through ‘Shivaji’, . Read more

Shriya’s Shivaji to release on May 26th - ‘Munna’ the Telugu film starring Prabhas and Ileana D'Cruz, in which Shriya Saran has done an item number, was released on 2 May. Read more

Shriya doing two top Bollywood movies - Now that Shriya Saran has established herself in south India, she is shifting her sight to Bollywood. Read more

Animated Parrots


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Stock Exchange Info

A stock exchange, share market or bourse is a corporation or mutual organization which provides "trading" facilities for stock brokers and traders, to trade stocks and other securities. Stock exchanges also provide facilities for the issue and redemption of securities as well as other financial instruments and capital events including the payment of income and dividends. The securities traded on a stock exchange include: shares issued by companies, unit trusts and other pooled investment products and bonds. To be able to trade a security on a certain stock exchange, it has to be listed there. Usually there is a central location at least for recordkeeping, but trade is less and less linked to such a physical place, as modern markets are electronic networks, which gives them advantages of speed and cost of transactions. Trade on an exchange is by members only. The initial offering of stocks and bonds to investors is by definition done in the primary market and subsequent trading is done in the secondary market. A stock exchange is often the most important component of a stock market. Supply and demand in stock markets is driven by various factors which, as in all free markets, affect the price of stocks (see stock valuation).

There is usually no compulsion to issue stock via the stock exchange itself, nor must stock be subsequently traded on the exchange. Such trading is said to be off exchange or over-the-counter. This is the usual way that bonds are traded. Increasingly, stock exchanges are part of a global market for securities.

History of stock exchanges

In 11th century France the courtiers de change were concerned with managing and regulating the debts of agricultural communities on behalf of the banks. As these men also traded in debts, they could be called the first brokers.

Some stories suggest that the origins of the term "bourse" come from the Latin bursa meaning a bag because, in 13th century Bruges, the sign of a purse (or perhaps three purses), hung on the front of the house where merchants met.
House Ter Beurze in Bruges
House Ter Beurze in Bruges

However, it is more likely that in the late 13th century commodity traders in Bruges gathered inside the house of a man called Van der Burse, and in 1309 they institutionalized this until now informal meeting and became the "Bruges Bourse". The idea spread quickly around Flanders and neighbouring counties and "Bourses" soon opened in Ghent and Amsterdam.

The house of the Beurze family on Vlamingstraat Bruges was the site of the worlds first stock Exchange, circa 1415. The term Bourse is believed to have derived from the family name Beurze.

In the middle of the 13th century, Venetian bankers began to trade in government securities. In 1351, the Venetian Government outlawed spreading rumors intended to lower the price of government funds. There were people in Pisa, Verona, Genoa and Florence who also began trading in government securities during the 14th century. This was only possible because these were independent city states ruled by a council of influential citizens, not by a duke.

The Dutch later started joint stock companies, which let shareholders invest in business ventures and get a share of their profits - or losses. In 1602, the Dutch East India Company issued the first shares on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. It was the first company to issue stocks and bonds. In 1688, the trading of stocks began on a stock exchange in London.

The role of stock exchanges

Stock exchanges have multiple roles in the economy, this may include the following:[1]

Raising capital for businesses

The Stock Exchange provides companies with the facility to raise capital for expansion through selling shares to the investing public.[2]

Mobilizing savings for investment

When people draw their savings and invest in shares, it leads to a more rational allocation of resources because funds, which could have been consumed, or kept in idle deposits with banks, are mobilized and redirected to promote business activity with benefits for several economic sectors such as agriculture, commerce and industry, resulting in a stronger economic growth and higher productivity levels and firms.

Facilitating company growth

Companies view acquisitions as an opportunity to expand product lines, increase distribution channels, hedge against volatility, increase its market share, or acquire other necessary business assets. A takeover bid or a merger agreement through the stock market is one of the simplest and most common ways for a company to grow by acquisition or fusion.

Redistribution of wealth

Stocks exchanges do not exist to redistribute wealth. However, both casual and professional stock investors, through dividends and stock price increases that may result in capital gains, will share in the wealth of profitable businesses.

Corporate governance

By having a wide and varied scope of owners, companies generally tend to improve on their management standards and efficiency in order to satisfy the demands of these shareholders and the more stringent rules for public corporations imposed by public stock exchanges and the government. Consequently, it is alleged that public companies (companies that are owned by shareholders who are members of the general public and trade shares on public exchanges) tend to have better management records than privately-held companies (those companies where shares are not publicly traded, often owned by the company founders and/or their families and heirs, or otherwise by a small group of investors). However, some well-documented cases are known where it is alleged that there has been considerable slippage in corporate governance on the part of some public companies ( (2000), Enron Corporation (2001), One.Tel (2001), [[Sunbeam Products|Sunbeam]] (2001), Webvan (2001), Adelphia (2002), MCI WorldCom (2002), or Parmalat (2003), are among the most widely scrutinized by the media).

Creating investment opportunities for small investors

As opposed to other businesses that require huge capital outlay, investing in shares is open to both the large and small stock investors because a person buys the number of shares they can afford. Therefore the Stock Exchange provides the opportunity for small investors to own shares of the same companies as large investors.

Government capital-raising for development projects

Governments at various levels may decide to borrow money in order to finance infrastructure projects such as sewage and water treatment works or housing estates by selling another category of securities known as bonds. These bonds can be raised through the Stock Exchange whereby members of the public buy them, thus loaning money to the government. The issuance of such bonds can obviate the need to directly tax the citizens in order to finance development, although by securing such bonds with the full faith and credit of the government instead of with collateral, the result is that the government must tax the citizens or otherwise raise additional funds to make any regular coupon payments and refund the principal when the bonds mature.

Barometer of the economy

At the stock exchange, share prices rise and fall depending, largely, on market forces. Share prices tend to rise or remain stable when companies and the economy in general show signs of stability and growth. An economic recession, depression, or financial crisis could eventually lead to a stock market crash. Therefore the movement of share prices and in general of the stock indexes can be an indicator of the general trend in the economy.

The future of stock exchanges

The future of stock trading appears to be electronic, as competition is continually growing between the remaining traditional New York Stock Exchange specialist system against the relatively new, all Electronic Communications Networks, or ECNs. ECNs point to their speedy execution of large block trades, while specialist system proponents cite the role of specialists in maintaining orderly markets, especially under extraordinary conditions or for special types of orders.

The ECNs contend that an array of special interests profit at the expense of investors in even the most mundane exchange-directed trades. Machine-based systems, they argue, are much more efficient, because they speed up the execution mechanism and eliminate the need to deal with an intermediary.

Historically, the 'market' (which, as noted, encompasses the totality of stock trading on all exchanges) has been slow to respond to technological innovation. Conversion to all-electronic trading could erode/eliminate the trading profits of floor specialists and the NYSE's "upstairs traders."

William Lupien, founder of the Instinet trading system and the OptiMark system, has been quoted as saying "I'd definitely say the ECNs are winning... Things happen awfully fast once you reach the tipping point. We're now at the tipping point."

Congress mandated the establishment of a national market system of multiple exchanges in 1975. Since then, ECNs have been developing rapidly.[citation needed]

One example of improved efficiency of ECNs is the prevention of front running, by which manual Wall Street traders use knowledge of a customer's incoming order to place their own orders so as to benefit from the perceived change to market direction that the introduction of a large order will cause. By executing large trades at lightning speed without manual intervention, ECNs make impossible this illegal practice, for which several NYSE floor brokers were investigated and severely fined in recent years.[citation needed] Under the specialist system, when the market sees a large trade in a name, other buyers are immediately able to look to see how big the trader is in the name, and make inferences about why s/he is selling or buying. All traders who are quick enough are able to use that information to anticipate price movements.

ECNs have changed ordinary stock transaction processing (like brokerage services before them) into a commodity-type business. ECNs could regulate the fairness of initial public offerings (IPOs), oversee Hambrecht's OpenIPO process, or measure the effectiveness of securities research and use transaction fees to subsidize small- and mid-cap research efforts.

Some[who?], however, believe the answer will be some combination of the best of technology and "upstairs trading" — in other words, a hybrid model.

Trading 25,000 shares of General Electric stock (recent[when?] quote: $34.76; recent[when?] volume: 44,760,300) would be a relatively simple e-commerce transaction; trading 100 shares of Berkshire Hathaway Class A stock (recent quote: $139,700.00; recent volume: 850) may never be. The choice of system should be clear (but always that of the trader), based on the characteristics of the security to be traded.

Even with ECNs forming an important part of a national market system, opportunities presumably remain to profit from the spread between the bid and offer price. That is especially true for investment managers that direct huge trading volume, and own a stake in an ECN or specialist firm. For example, in its individual stock-brokerage accounts, "Fidelity Investments runs 29% of its undesignated orders in NYSE-listed stocks, and 37% of its undesignated market orders through the Boston Stock Exchange, where an affiliate controls a specialist post."

Fidelity says these arrangements are governed by a separate brokerage "order-flow management" team, which seeks to obtain the best possible execution for customers, and that its execution is highly rated.

intresting stories

Some Interesting Stories of Life:


Leola Starling of Ribrock, Tenn., had a serious telephone problem.

But unlike most people she did something about it.

The brand-new $10 million Ribrock Plaza Motel opened nearby and had acquired almost the same telephone number as Leola.

From the moment the motel opened, Leola was besieged by calls not for her. Since she had the same phone number for years, she felt that she had a case to persuade the motel management to change its number. Naturally, the management refused claiming that it could not change its stationery. The phone company was not helpful, either. A number was a number, and just because a customer was getting someone else's calls 24 hours a day didn't make it responsible. After her pleas fell on deaf ears, Leola decided to take matters into her own hands.

At 9 o'clock the phone rang. Someone from Memphis was calling the motel and asked for a room for the following Tuesday. Leola said, "No problem. How many nights?"

A few hours later Dallas checked in. A secretary wanted a suite with two bedrooms for a week. Emboldened, Leola said the Presidential Suite on the 10th floor was available for $600 a night. The secretary said that she would take it and asked if the hotel wanted a deposit. "No, that won't be necessary," Leola said. "We trust you."

The next day was a busy one for Leola. In the morning, she booked an electric appliance manufacturers' convention for Memorial Day weekend, a college prom and a reunion of the 82nd Airborne veterans from World War II.

She turned on her answering machine during lunchtime so that she could watch the O.J. Simpson trial, but her biggest challenge came in the afternoon when a mother called to book the ballroom for her daughter's wedding in June.

Leola assured the woman that it would be no problem and asked if she would be providing the flowers or did she want the hotel to take care of it. The mother said that she would prefer the hotel to handle the floral arrangements. Then the question of valet parking came up.

Once again Leola was helpful. "There's no charge for valet parking, but we always recommend that the client tips the drivers."

Within a few months, the Ribrock Plaza Motel was a disaster area.

People kept showing up for weddings, bar mitzvahs, and Sweet Sixteen parties and were all told there were no such events.

Leola had her final revenge when she read in the local paper that the motel might go bankrupt. Her phone rang, and an executive from Marriott said, "We're prepared to offer you $200,000 for the motel."

Leola replied. "We'll take it, but only if you change the telephone number."

Received from Steve Sanderson. from The Good, Clean Funnies List

Here's one that actually happened to a friend of mine.

My friend likes to read his two young sons fairy tales at night. Having a deep-rooted sense of humor, he often ad-libs parts of the stories for fun.

One day his youngest son was sitting in his first grade class as the teacher was reading the story of the Three Little Pigs. She came to the part of the story where the first pig was trying to acquire building materials for his home. She said "...And so the pig went up to the man with a wheelbarrow full of straw and said 'Parden me sir, but might I have some of that straw to build my house with?'"

Then the teacher asked the class "And what do you think that man said?" and my friend's son raised his hand and said "I know! I know! He said 'Holy smokes! A talking pig!'"

The teacher was unable to teach for the next 10 minutes.

Received from Doug Waterfield - Monroe, LA. from The Good Clean Funnies List


The District Attorney requested all the robbery victims to come to the police station to study a lineup of five people. He placed his suspect at the end of the line. Then he asked each to step forward and say, "Give me all your money... and I need some change in quarters, nickels and dimes." The first four did it right. However, when it was the last man's turn to recite, he broke the case by blurting out, "That isn't what I said." Nancy M. Carson



Oklahoma City -- Dennis Newton was on trial for the armed robbery of a convenience store in a district court this week when he fired his lawyer. Assistant district attorney Larry Jones said Newton, 47, was doing a fair job of defending himself until the store manager testified that Newton was the robber. Newton jumped up, accused the woman of lying and then said, "I should of blown your [expletive] head off." The defendant paused, then quickly added, "-if I'd been the one that was there." The jury took 20 minutes to convict Newton and recommended a 30-year sentence. Mike Avery



The Dutch have come up with a new way of catching criminals, that's even better than fingerprints, it's called smell prints. Apparently, each of us not only has one unmistakable fingerprint and DNA, but we also have a unique scent that is identifiable. In solving a crime, the police can retrieve an article used by the perpetrator (such as a gun), and extract a smell print from the object in as little as 20 minutes. The smell can then be stored for as long as 4 years. Once a suspect is apprehended, he is asked to wash, and then handle a cloth for a few minutes. The cloth is then placed in a line up and a specially trained dog is given the original smell print to examine. The dog is then asked to identify all the smells in the line up. If the dog finds a match, he barks at the container identifying which one. To make the evidence admissible in court, the process is repeated but this time without the suspects smell. This new crime fighting tool has solved hundreds of cases in Holland, and they are now starting to archive known criminals' smells to compare against outstanding crimes. W.I.S.E.CRAKS



Newport News, Virginia -- Criminals are routinely nabbed because they leave fingerprints or stray DNA behind at the scene. A peeping Tom suspect in Virginia left lip prints. Police arrested Robert N. Smith, 41, on Tuesday for allegedly peeping into apartments after the state forensic crime laboratory was able to match his lip print with one taken off a window at one of the apartments. "We get fingerprints all the time, but that's not the case, obviously, with lip prints," Paul Ferrara, director of the state Division of Forensic Science, said Friday. The print was discovered on an apartment window Aug. 18, and a detective lifted the print Sept. 11. Smith was arrested and charged with indecent exposure at the same apartment complex about two weeks later. Police got a search warrant for Smith's lips and found they had their man. The indecent exposure charge was dropped at Smith's trial Tuesday when the chief witness failed to appear, but he was arrested on five misdemeanor peeping charges as he was leaving court. He remains free on bond awaiting trial. He faces up to a year in jail. WhiteBoard News for Monday, December 15, 1997 Joseph Harper Received from Keith's Mostly Clean Humor & Weird (McHaw) List -=+=- The Good, Clean Funnies List

Disturbing Medical Stories

**Contributed to Swenny's E-Mail Funnies by Lyn Deadmore Taylor, Atlanta, Georgia**


A drunk staggered into a Pennsylvania ER complaining of severe pain while trying to remove his contact lenses. He said that they would come out halfway, but they always popped back in. A nurse tried to help using a suction pump, but without success. Finally, a doctor examined him and discovered the man did not have his contact lenses in at all. He had been trying to rip out the membrane of his cornea.


A couple hobbled into a Washington (state) emergency room covered in bloody restaurant towels. The man had his around his waist, and the woman had hers around her head. They eventually explained to doctors that they had gone out that evening for a romantic dinner. Overcome with passion, the woman crept under the table to administer oral sex to the man. While in the act she had an epileptic fit, which caused her to clamp down on the man's member and wrench it from side to side. In agony and desperation, the man grabbed a fork and stabbed her in the head until she let go.


A 63yr old widow was admitted to the hospital in Recife, Brazil, suffering abdominal pains. X-rays showed that she was carrying a 20-inch long skeleton of a fetus which she conceived a decade earlier. It had become lodged outside the womb and was never expelled from her body. PRICKLY PAIR In Michigan, a man came into the ER with lacerations to his penis. He complained that his wife had "...a rat in her privates..."and it bit him during sex. After an examination of his wife, it was revealed that she had a surgical needle left inside her after a recent hysterectomy.


A 20 yr. old man came into the ER with a stony mass in his rectum. He said that he and his boyfriend were fooling around with concrete mix, then his boyfriend had the idea of pouring the mix into his anus using a funnel. The concrete then hardened, causing constipation and pain. Under general anesthesia, a perfect concrete cast of the man's rectum was removed...along with a ping pong ball.


Information technology (IT), as defined by the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), is "the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware." IT deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and securely retrieve information.

Today, the term information technology has ballooned to encompass many aspects of computing and technology, and the term is more recognizable than ever before. The information technology umbrella can be quite large, covering many fields. IT professionals perform a variety of duties that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases. A few of the duties that IT professionals perform may include data management, networking, engineering computer hardware, database and software design, as well as the management and administration of entire systems. When computer and communications technologies are combined, the result is information technology, or "infotech". Information Technology (IT) is a general term that describes any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and/or disseminate information. Presumably, when speaking of Information Technology (IT) as a whole, it is noted that the use of computers and information are associated.

Operating Plan

ITHS will:

Maintain a website that explains the mission, activities, and people associated with ITHS Use the website as a place to provide information that is useful to the advancement of the IT history field Organize conferences that help to build a sense of community and provide a place for the community to address issues of common concern Work to build a more effective network of the organizations actively working in the IT history area Take steps to help build a sense of community among individual IT history practitioners Work to expand capacity in the IT history field by encouraging other institutions, especially corporations, to become more interested in IT history and support projects in this area Publicize the importance of IT in modern world development and the value of history in understanding this remarkable development Work to resolve common problems of the IT history field and take advantage of opportunities - as identified by the ITHS archival and historical advisory committees Fund projects endorsed by the ITHS archival and historical advisory committees within the organization's means Encourage other individuals and institutions to support these endorsed projects and other projects in the IT history field

ITHS will not:

Compete with individuals and institutions doing work on IT history.


The IT History Society was formerly known as the Charles Babbage Foundation. For its first quarter century, CBF's mission was to support the work of the Charles Babbage Institute, a historical research and archive center focused on the history of computing and information technology, located on the campus of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. With CBI well established and doing excellent work, CBF broadened its mission in 2002 to support the entire IT history community. In 2007, CBF changed its name and reworked its programs to better support the IT history community.

The Charles Babbage Institute (CBI) was established in 1978 by over two dozen senior executives from the information processing industry, distinguished computer scientists, and historians for the purpose of preserving, exploring, and telling the history of computing. The Charles Babbage Foundation was organized separately from CBI in 1981 when CBI moved from Palo Alto to the University of Minnesota. CBF's core mission has always been to support scholarship on the history of information technology. [See CBI Newsletter vol.3 #1 (1981)]


Early founding members included Gene M. Amdahl, Kenneth H. Olsen, Sam Wyly, and later Noble Laureate Joshua Lederberg and distinguished historians I.B. Cohen and Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. Over the years scores of trustees came from many hardware, software, services, and venture capital firms, joining with academics from such distinguished universities as Harvard, Michigan, Carnegie Mellon, and Minnesota. Tomash and his colleagues established the Charles Babbage Institute in 1978 for the purpose of collecting archival materials, training historians of computing, and conducting academic research. In 1980-81 CBI moved to the University of Minnesota, while a newly created foundation—CBF— focused on fund raising and advising the institute.

Throughout the 1980s CBF raised funds in support of CBI’s activities, creating what ultimately became known as the Tomash Fellowship which has supported the Ph.D. research of nearly 30 young scholars and counting ; funding various history conferences devoted to computing; financing the CBI-Tomash reprint series of seminal works in computer science and history; and endowing a professorship-director’s position at the University of Minnesota , named “The ERA Land-Grant Chair in History of Technology.” CBI’s founding director, Arthur Norberg, was the first holder of the chair, beginning in 1989, and the present CBI director, Thomas Misa, is the current holder.

MAKING IT HAPPEN During the 1990s, CBF continued to raise funds for CBI, making it possible for the institute to gain a solid financial footing and develop into the world’s leading center for the preservation and study of the history of information technology. In 1998, a task force of IT executives and scholars hosted by CBF led to a series of initiatives by CBI expanding its study of the history of software, helping create a productive research agenda for CBI and the wider computing-history field .

Around 2000, CBF broadened its mission to support the history of information technology through other organizations, collaborating, for example, with the Sloan Foundation, Software History Center, and the Computer History Museum in experimenting with Internet-based archival and historical research. It also advised historians, promoted collaboration among academic organizations and museums, and raised funds for scholarship. In recent years it also assisted or advised IT corporations in preparing their own histories.

Over the course of its own history CBF continued to recruit trustees drawn largely from the business community interested in preserving the history of information technology. Many trustees donated their personal papers to CBI, while others published their memoirs or wrote histories, and served on the editorial board of the IEEE Annals of the History of Computing.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Tamanna Bhatia hot pics

Tamanna Bhatia is a south Indian model/actress who started her film career through her debut film in Hindi called "Chand Sa Roshan Chehra" and made her Tamil debut film "Kedi" which did well at the box office. The former model has also signed for her debut film in Telugu called "Sri" in which she plays the leading female role amongst actor Manoj Kumar. And she is a rising heroine in both Kollywood and tollywood industries. Tamanna has recently signed for a film in Tamil called "Vyapari" along with actor SJ Suryah and others.

Tamanna was born to Santosh Bhatia and Rajani Bhatia on 21st December 1989.She started acting at the age of 13, now she is first year student at National College in Bandra, and she has one brother, Anand Bhatia. She can speak Tamil, Telugu, Hindi and English.

Tamanna has done many advertisements in Tamil for big companies such as Shakti Masala, Saravana Stores, RMKV and she also did few music albums before she entered the film industry.